How to Hire and Outsource for Business Expansion

One of the best decisions you might make in your business is bringing on help before you are actually ready for the help. Let me tell you why I truly believe in getting help before you are ready. The #1 reason why I believe in getting help in your business before it’s actually needed is so that you can make decisions in your business from an empowered place vs. a place of overwhelm.⁣ This will also ensure that you are hiring and outsourcing right the first time. 

As a business owner you have the pulse of your business in your hands and you will know when certain parts of your business are starting to get busier, take more time, require more energy or have you going in all sorts of directions. This might be because you are entering a state of expansion in your business. You can usually foresee this type of expansion coming as we plan ahead for what things are looking like in our business through planning, goals and projections. 

When you keep an eye open for what’s ahead in your business it’s nice to keep an open mind to the type of help you might be needing so you can start planning for it now. Doing so will help you avoid the ‘oh Sh*t I am swamped and I don’t know what to do’ which often times can cause poor business decisions to be made due to overwhelm. You and I both know that it’s never fun to make decisions from an overwhelm state. 

You might be wondering, how do I know if I am ready to bring on some VA help?⁣ Here are some pointers to look out for. You:

-⁣Feel like you are sinking and can’t break past the business barriers to continue to increase your revenue, clients and more profit into your business.⁣

-Are looking to expand your business whether it’s increasing your marketing reach, introducing more products or offers in your business and are finding it difficult to do it all on your own⁣.

-Feel like you can’t break away from working in your business to work on your business.⁣

So now what?⁣ You’ve come to the conclusion that you need help but where do you start?

Make a list of where you need help in your business.

This list can include the littlest of things. Think about how much time you spend on the littlest of things that can easily be tasked out so you can focus on more money making tasks that keep the business growing and scaling. When creating this list I want you to think about the things that:

1. You absolutely do not enjoy doing but do none the less because it has to be done.

2. The things that you do but take you 2-3x as long to do because they might not be the things that you are the best at aka not your zone of genius.

Being honest with this part is really important because it will allow you to see where more time is being spent on things that could easily and more quickly be done by someone else. Remember, getting help is all about gaining you back time so you can expand, grow, scale and even bring you more time for personal things such as spending more time with family. 

Decide how much VA help you are needing 

One of the daunting parts of looking for help is feeling like you will have to commit to bringing someone on for 20-40 hours. This is simply not true or necessary if you are just starting out with needing help. I started with very minimal help and slowly progressed into getting more help.

The important thing to consider here is a rough ball park on how much help you might need weekly or monthly. From there you can seek someone who offers smaller packages or hourly packages to assist you -especially as you just start out.

Decide if you need a generalist or specialist ⁣

It’s important to see if you are needing someone to help in your business who can  have a general scope of skills and help with an array of tasks or if you are needing someone who is more specialized in a particular set of skills for specific scopes of work. This will truly come down to you and your business and there is certainly no right or wrong answer. Let me provide an example of what generalist and specialist can look like:


general scope of services:

  • Posting on social
  • Email management
  • Community management 


Specific scope of services:

  • Podcast editor
  • Youtube editor
  • Graphic designs

As you can see both types of help are great but it really comes down to what you are needing in your business. If your business is going to be expanding here in 2021 and you are looking to not only hire help but also systemize, optimize and see an increase in your month to month revenue for your business then I got news for you! The Bold Business and Marketing Mastermind launches on 01/20/21 in which I will be hands on guiding you and an intimate group of woman in scaling and expanding their businesses. Apply here and let’s chat to see if it’s a good fit. 

The Journal


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